Being a caregiver of someone with prenatal alcohol exposure is hard. Typical strategies leave us feeling inadequate when really typical strategies don't work. It's time to unburden yourself of the guilt that comes from that perceived failure and allow a paradigm shift to begin.
Parenting from a "Neurobehavioral Approach" will allow you to see your child's brain difference as a physical disability and not a failing on their part or yours. You would not expect someone in a wheelchair to suddenly burst out and run laps around a gym, similarly, you should not expect your loved one with FASD to be able to do something their brain will not allow.
Fortunately, much research has been done on FASD and there are proven approaches for success. With understanding and a plan, much progress can be made.
The maturity and development of people with FASD can be uneven and confusing. Strong abilities in certain areas, such as expressive language, can hide deficiencies in other areas. Caregivers are encouraged to “think younger” when assessing their child’s abilities and to look at dysmaturity as a symptom of the disorder.
Physical Maturity ______________________________18
Emotional Maturity______________9
Daily Living Skills____________________11
Expressive Language___________________________________________23
Language Comprehension_______9
Reading Decoding___________________________16
Reading Comprehension_______8
Money & Time Concepts_______8
Social Skills____________________9
Understanding Danger_____5

Developmental Profile at 18 years old

What can I do to help
my loved one?
Early diagnosis and intervention
Supervision, supervision, supervision - typically people with FASD function at from 1/3 to 1/2 their age.
Write a letter to your school district requesting special education
Have your child seen by an occupational therapist for sensory processing and a speech/language pathologist for social communication. Ask for a sensory diet.
Attend to sleep difficulties
Be aware of possible physical ailments associated with FASD
Understand that your child or adult has brain damage. Upset or difficulties may be brain-based and not a purposeful.
Reduce daily requirements and demands to alleviate overwhelm
Do not punish your child for what he or she cannot do; instead, change what you do. Typical methods of discipline often do not work.
Be an advocate for your loved one - you are the expert.
Build a circle of support around your teen and adult - think inter-dependence, not independence.
Slow down the transition to adulthood
Relationship is vital
Ask don't tell a teen or adult
Make the problem about you. People with FASD often want to be helpful.
Some things you can do...

FASD and Sleep
Sleep differences are often significant for people with FASD and sleep deprivation can make symptoms associated with FASD more severe. While you may not be able to fully cure this problem because it is in part due to organic brain differences, there are lots of strategies to help. We have listed some ideas to try when working on a sleep routine, but as with everything FASD, each person is different and what calms one, may excite the next. Observe and modify based on reactions.
Creating a good sleeping routine
Families Moving Forward, program for families raising preschool children with FASD, University of Washington
MILE: Math Interactive Learning Experience Program, math intervention program, Emory university
Making Math Real: A multisensory math program designed for students with math disability
Children’s Friendship Program: UCLA
Parent-Child Assistance Program: University of Washington, a 3 year home visitation model for high risk mothers
Good Buddies, a children’s friendship training program for individuals with FASD to teach social skills, UCLA
PACT: Parents and Children Together: A neurocognitive rehabilitation program to improve self- regulation and executive function, Children’s Research Triangle, Chicago