Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
A Comprehensive Guide for Pre-K-8 Educators
Chapter 4: The FASD Student & the Classroom
This is a thorough and easy to follow guide to FASD. The chapter on education is excellent and is a great resource to share with your school team.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Education Strategies
"Working with students who have a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is tough! The educational strategies presented in this handbook are intended to be helpful to all teachers who work with students who may have a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)." Presented by NOFAS SD and The Center for Disabilities, Sanford School of Medicine of The University of South Dakota
Reach to Teach: Educating Elementary and Middle School Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
DHHS Pub. No. SMA-4222. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2007.

is an easy to read guide with lots of useable STRATEGIES.
Teaching Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Building Strengths, Creating Hope Alberta, Alberta Learning. Special Programs Branch.
Education Resources
Comprehensive Writings
General Education Resources
Understanding Assessment Areas
Six Things Educators and School Staff should know about FASD
Nate Sheets of Oregon Behavioral Consultants
This 9 minute video advocates for parents and enlightens educators on basic information and strategies to work with a child with FASD. This video is super pro-parent perspective and supportive.
8 Magic Keys 8 part video series
Printable handout for teachers
Common Strengths of Students with FASD
Dan Dubovsky, YouTube, Use of strength based approach to working with someone who has a FASD: Everyone wants to feel successful.
How Winnepeg Schools are Re-Thinking Lessons for Kids with FASD, YouTube
What Educators Need to Know by Miles Himmelreich
This is a must watch video from a person succeeding with FASD

Classroom Observation by POPFASD. "This video speaks to the importance of observation in the classroom and how the observational information can be used to improve instructional decisions."

Comparing ODD, ADHD and FASD, POPFASD, Dan Dubovsky compares the differences between ODD, ADHD, and FASD.
Strategies for Improving Outcomes, POPFASD Dan Dubovsky shares a number of practical and universal strategy ideas for working with people who live with FASD.
The Approach Dan Dubosky
Dan Dubovsky, YouTube
5 Unhelpful Responses We Have to Escalated Kids and Adults
Nate Sheets, Oregon Behavioral Consultants

Dysmaturity POPFASD, explains developmental gaps using a case study and offers solutions using the LEIC system

A Neurobehavioral Model for FASD: www.fascets.com,
Malbin, D. Trying Differently Rather Than Harder, FASCETS. 2002
A must read book for anyone working with someone with FASD
FASD: Strategies not Solutions by The Edmonton and Area Fetal Alcohol Network (EFAN) is a resource to educate caregivers and the community in managing and understanding the behaviours associated with FASD.
Concise easy to read article on confabulation (lying) within the school setting. Great to hand to a teacher who is struggling with this concept.
Paley, B and O’Connor, MJ. Behavioral Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Alcohol Res Health. 34 (1); 2011, 64-75
Common Strengths of Students with FASD, POPFASD Dan Dubovsky
Families Moving Forward, program for families raising preschool children with FASD, University of Washington
MILE: Math Interactive Learning Experience Program, math intervention program, Emory university
Making Math Real: A multisensory math program designed for students with math disability
Children’s Friendship Program: UCLA
Parent-Child Assistance Program: University of Washington, a 3 year home visitation model for high risk mothers
Good Buddies, a children’s friendship training program for individuals with FASD to teach social skills, UCLA
PACT: Parents and Children Together: A neurocognitive rehabilitation program to improve self- regulation and executive function, Children’s Research Triangle, Chicago
Specific Areas of Need
Education & FASD Toolkit - University of Washington, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute
McFares: School Resources for FASD
POP FASD - Videos. POPFASD videos are all over this website. Here is the page with all of them.
Interventions proven for FASD
Resource Compilations
Qualifying for Special Education
Processing Speed
A Day in the Life of a Child with Slow Processing Speed
by Understood.org is a concrete visual of what it is like to have slow processing speed.
Helping People with FASD Process What We Are Saying
A video by Nate Sheets of Oregon Behavior Consultants. Because his videos are geared towards individuals with FASD, Nate incorporates the typical missing executive functions when describing how to help with processing speed.
Problems with Executive Function by Duke University gives a great description of executive functioning as it pertains to FASD.
Understanding Executive Function Issues by Understood.org
9 Terms to Know If Your Child Struggles With Executive Functioning Issues by Understood.org

Executive Function 101 by Understood.org is an E-Book with all the basics and lots of visuals.

A Day in the Life of a Child with Executive Functioning Issues by Understood.org is a good visual and concrete example of EF.
Nate Sheets, Oregon Behavioral Consultants
Providing Cognitive Support with Schedules
Executive Functioning
Adaptive Functioning

Adaptive Functioning and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(FASD) A quick seven minute video on adaptive functioning with real life examples and people.
Research suggesting that the relationship
IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence' article by the Telegraph which reports on the full study below
Full Study: Fractionating Human Intelligence
Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder by Star Institute includes the important new 8th sense, interoception.
Interoception: The New Topic of Autism (should be a big topic of FASD too!)
FASD: Living with Sensory.... Myles Himmelreich lives with FASD and explains what sensory problems feel like for him.
Sensory Processing
Understanding Social Communication Disorder by Understood.org
Communication with people with FASD. Discussion about receptive and expressive language and the need for concrete rather than abstract language for children with FASD
Observation of Classroom Social Communication: Do Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Spend Their Time Differently Than Their Typically Developing Peers? Research by the University of Washington, Seattle.
Social Communication
Visual Spatial Processing: What You Need to Know by Understood.org
Visual Spatial Skills FASD Waterloo Region gives a quick read on behaviors and strategies
Visual Spatial
What Are Gross Motor Skills: What You Need to Know by Understood.org
Fine Motor Skills: What You Need to Know by Understood.org

Improving your child's fine motor and gross motor skills. In this video, Physical therapist Kendra VanWasshenova from U-M's Milestones pediatric rehabilitation program shows us a few activities you can do with materials you probably already have at home.
Impairment of motor skills in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in remote Australia: The Lililwan Project.: Research that recommends assessment of motor skills for people with FASD
Motor Skills
Chasnoff, I, Wells, am and King, L. Misdiagnosis and missed diagnoses in foster care and adopted children with fetal alcohol exposure. Pediatrics. 2015; 135 (2)