Fast Facts:
FASD is the most common known cause of developmental disability in the U.S.
90-95% of people with FASD have a mental illness; 87% of affected children have 2 or more mental health diagnoses
2 to 5% of every American has this complex, neurodevelopmental disorder.
FASD is more common than Autism Spectrum Disorders
75% of affected people have a typical IQ.
IQ specifically does not predict adaptive functioning in FASD
Only 10% of affected people have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. 90% have an invisible disability and the same brain damage as FAS.
The co-occurrence of drug and alcohol use is 90% in pregnancy.
Alcohol is the strongest known toxin to the developing brain inutero.

I am a mental health/substance use practitioner. Why do I need to know about FASD?
Mental Health Professionals
Substance use Disorder: 35% of the affected population, starting at 12 years of age
Atypical and often severe reactions to psychotropic, pain and seizure medications
Kidney and heart problems common in FASD with the use of medications
Suicide: 26% of people with FASD attempt suicide. Because of cognitive deficits, lethality of intent cannot be used to determine who is at risk
Emotional dysregulation is part of the brain damage - mood swings, rage reactions
Most affected people are misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.
Diagnosis by 6 years of age strongly predicts a better outcome in adulthood.
40% of patients in a large inner-city mental health clinic had an FASD (Carl Bell, MD, Frontline, PBS)
All the developing neurotransmitter systems and HPA Axis can be damaged
Prevalence of anxiety and depression very high: these are primary disorders caused by brain damage
Misdiagnosis is very common: ASD, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, RAD, Conduct Disorder, ODD
Look for multiple mental health diagnoses or diagnoses that keep changing.
Mental health problems are almost universal
IQ does not predict adaptive functioning which is often lower than IQ
Adaptive functioning gets worse with age, even in those with typical IQ
The ability to learn from consequences is poor.
Limited understanding of danger.
Poor judgment and impulse control.
Poor affect regulation
Developmentally young
Memory deficits
Language processing deficits even with high expressive language
Slow processing: 10-second kids in a 1-second world
Sensory processing disorder
With the above deficits in mind, traditional talk therapy methods may not work
FASD: Neurodevelopmental Profile

FASD and Treatment
Mental health and substance use treatment is specific to the diagnosis in FASD
CBT, DBT, Motivational Interviewing are contraindicated without modification
Group treatment is not recommended, due to difficulty in attention/focus, deficits in social thinking and language processing difficulties
There is an algorithm for the use of psychotropic medication in FASD across 4 mental health domains; 1st and 2nd line medications are included.
May need to use alternative approaches to treatment: Roleplay, art therapy, social problem solving/social thinking
Discharge planning should include building a circle of support
Specific recommendations for women requiring substance use treatment
Zero tolerance policies not recommended
Interventions specific to FASD have been developed
For high anxiety patients they may need a support person, at least initially. It is important to work with the family.
What works, what doesn't
Over 400 health conditions are co-morbid with FASD. Every organ system in the developing body inutero can be damaged by alcohol, depending upon the timing of exposure.
Diseases of aging are seen in adults in their 20’s and 30’s: osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, osteopenia, early menopause, early dementia, knee, and hip replacement, etc.
Sleep disorders occur in 80% of the affected population: circadian rhythm disorders and sleep apnea, both peripheral and central.
Autoimmune diseases occur at a much higher rate than the general population.
Seizures: 23% of the affected population
A whole body disorder

Diagnosing FASD
FASD is a descriptive term, not a diagnosis. FAS occurs in only 10% of the affected population. Like Autism, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders occur on a spectrum. 90% of people with this complex, neurodevelopmental diagnosis have an invisible disability with the same brain damage as in FAS but without the cardinal facial features of the syndrome.
FAS: Can be diagnosed without confirmed PAE
ND-PAE 318.5 DSM 5; f88 (ICD)
Common misdiagnoses include ASD, Bipolar Disorder, RAD, ODD/Conduct Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, etc. These disorders can also be co-morbid.
With early intervention, children and adults with FASD can do well
Diagnosis by 6 years of age strongly predicts a better outcome in adulthood (IOM). Intervention is specific to the disability.
Choline given before 6 months of age may reverse some of the brain damage.
May need help navigating health care and social services
May need support to maintain safety, housing, activities of daily living and work.
Most people with FASD are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, leading to a lack of services and improper treatment.