More Characteristics Common with FASD
Many children with FASD show complex learning disabilities that go beyond the language arts. Math is often the most difficult subject. Performance is often inconsistent, as is true with brain damage.
Due to poor understanding of cause and effect, children with FASD often do not respond typically. A rule-based program for such children is generally a poor fit.
With trauma endemic in this population, social challenges affect the school experience. Poor social thinking, as seen in Autism, can affect relationships with others, especially peers. Children with FASD are often quite social but they struggle to understand social communication, the rules of play, the intent of others and what is expected.
Marked difficulty in behavior control is also a key part of the brain damage. For youth with FASD, teaching life skills is vital.
Not all students will have outward-facing behaviors and unengaged children often fail to get noticed. Lack of or superficial work production, avoidant behaviors, and school refusal are also clear signs the environment is not working
The brain of a child with FASD is inefficient. It has to work harder and therefore tires more easily. A simple assignment might be a walk in the park to a typical student but may have the effect of running a marathon for a child with FASD. Breaks and work reduction must be considered.